
    Tulane University, 1981 – present, Professor of Law

    University of Aukland, 2004, Visiting Professor

    University of Sevilla, 2003, Visiting Professor

    Monterrey Institute of Technology, 2002, Visiting Professor

    University of Havana, 2001, Visiting Professor

    Georgetown Law Center, 1981, Adjunct Professor

    George Washington Law School, 1978 – 1980, Adjunct Professor

    Vermont Law School, 1979-82 , Summer Visiting Professor

    American Law School, 1979, Adjunct Professor

    The Heights, 1968-69, English Instructor


    Lecture Classes:

    Natural Resources Law
    Pollution Control Law
    Comparative Environmental Law
    Wildlife and BioDiversity
    Wetlands and Coastal Law
    Criminal Law
    Constitutional Criminal Procedure

    Small Classes & Seminars:

    Comparative Criminal Justice
    Organized and White Collar Crime
    International Environmental Law
    Toxics and Hazardous Wastes
    Clean Water
    Water Resource Management
    Fisheries Management
    Environmental Law and Ethics
    Environmental Human Rights
    Hurricane Katrina
    The Deepwater Horizon
    Can We Save New Orleans?
    Environment Outside the Box

    Examinations (Selected):

    Environment and Energy Program Newsletters

    Copies of Environment and Energy Program newsletters from 1995 – 2015 are available at:

    For issue featuring U.S. Alumnae, see Fall 2011.

    For issue featuring International Alumnae, see Fall 2012.